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VGA's Mental Health Awareness Week!

As you may have all seen, from the 10th -16th of May Valleys Gymnastics Academy took part in the Mental Health Awareness week. During this time we have held a variety of events, including a colouring competition, a coffee morning, a plant swap shop and yoga sessions to name a few!

  • Our colouring competition required gymnasts to colour in a Tulip in their favourite colours, before displaying them in their windows at home. The Tulip symbolises hope and happiness, so this this was a great way of raising awareness of mental health.

  • On the 10th of May, VGA's Inclusion & Well-Being ambassadors took over VGA's social media platforms to promote mental health, as well as sharing some high profile sports peoples experiences and tips with regards health and wellbeing.

  • Thursday the 13th of May saw Jaz and Tara host a coffee morning, which included a a game of bingo, a chair based yoga session, as well as an opportunity for staff members to have a chat and catch up!

  • On Saturday the 15th of May we delivered VGA's first ever 'Plant Swap Shop'. This allowed members to come and exchange their unwanted plants for new and different ones, as well as the opportunity to purchase Sunflowers. Through this, we raised £120 for the MIND Charity who provide support for people struggling with their mental health.

  • VGA's Sports Equipment Library was open throughout the week, providing families with the opportunity to borrow various sports and physical activity items and equipment.

  • On Saturday evening we held 2 yoga sessions, one of which was for gymnasts aged 10 and under and parents at 5pm which lasted 45 minutes and another class for over 11's which started at 6pm. All COVID rules were followed and everybody still had a great time and left with smiling faces! To finish our week off we arranged a nature scavenger hunt outdoors for families to do whilst going on a long walk.

VGA's Inclusion and Wellbeing ambassadors would like to thank everyone for their involvement throughout the week!


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